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GME 60292_2000

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GME 60292_2000标准介绍

1 Scope

This Test Method shall be used for determining thecolour fastness to artificial light of dyes, prints, paintson organic materials of the interior trim (textiles, films,artificialleather, plastics, cardboard, wood etc.) by exposure to artificial light representative of natural daylight and to the simultaneous action of heat.This TestMethod is valid to determine the colour fastness whenusing a xenon arc lamp source of light.

Note:Nothing in the specification, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.

Note: In the event of a conflict between the Englishand the German language, the German languageshall take precedence.

1.1 Definition.Colour fastness to artificial light is ameasure of the resistance of colourants(dyes, pigments etc.) of any type of organic materials in anyprocessing state to the effects oflight and heat.

2 References

Note:Only the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified.

2.1 Normative.

S0 105-A02 IS0 105-B01 IS0 105-B02 IS0 4892-1 DIN 75202

2.2 GM.None

2.3 Additional. CIE Technical Report No. 85, Edition 1989

3 TestEquipment

3.1 Light Source and Filter System. The lightsource is equipped with one or more xenon arc lampsas the source of radiation. The radiation shall befiltered for determination of the colour fastness andthe aging of materials for vehicle interior resulting ofexposition to light by high temperatures.Therefore anoptical filter system is used. Applicable are absorbingfilters or a combination of absorbing and reflectingfilters.

Independently of the type of filtration compliance withthe conditions listed in Table l is required for thespectral distribution of the radiation, which is existingin the plane of the test piece. The values resultfrom the spectral distribution of the global radiationaccording to CIE Technical Report No. 85, Table 4(edition 1989) and the transmission of window glass of 4 mm thickness.

Table 1 : Spectral Irradiation Intensity

Wave Length / nm

Relative Irradiation Intensity(Note 1) /%

below 290


below 300


















to 800


Note1 :referred to the irradiation intensity in the wave length range up t0 800 nm

The radiation power shall be chosen such, that theconditions to Table 2 are met.

The variation of the irradiation intensity over the areacovered by the test pieces and references of thecolour fastness standard shall not exceed ±10 % ofthe mean. The optical systems of radiation filters tobe used are described in Appendix A.

Remark: Due to aging of Xenon arc fading lamps andoptical filters the radiation function and the irradiationintensity is changing with the operation time. The radiation function and the irradiation intensity will stayconform if the lamps and the filters are replaced according to manufacturer recommendation. The irradiation intensity may be also kept constant by a control.

3.1.1 Exposure Apparatus.The used exposure apparatus shall consist of a climatic chamber made fromcorrosion resistance material, which contains the lightsource, the filter system and the frame holder for thetest piece. The supplier of the exposure apparatusshall insure, that the exposure apparatus fulfills theconditions of Table 1 and Table 2.

3.2 Black-standard Thermometer. A black-standard thermometer is used to determine the temperature in the exposure apparatus at the place of the testpiece. This black-standard thermometer consists of aplain metal plate, measuring about (70 x 40) mm2 andwith a thickness of about 0.5 mm, whose temperatureis measured by a resistance thermometer, with goodheat conducting properties, fitted to the reverse side.The metal plate is fixed to a plastic plate so that itis thermally isolated exposed to the radiation. Themetal plate is coated with a black layer which hasan absorption of at least 90 %, even in the infraredregion (description see IS0 4892-1).

3.3 White-standard Thermometer. The white-standard thermometer is in accordance with the black-standard thermometer to paragraph 3.2. However,the metal plate is provided with a white cover whichreflects a minimum of 90 % of the radiation in therange of (300...1000) nm and a minimum of 60 %in the range of (1000...2500) nm (description seeIS0 4892-1).

3.4 Grey Scale.Grey scale for assessing change incolour to IS0 105-A02.

3.5 Sheet Metal Covers.To IS0 105-B02

3.6 Color Fastness Standards. Color fastnessstandards according to IS0 105-B01 shall be used.

These shall consists of a range of blue colour fastness standards of wool cloths, which are identifiedby the numerical designations l (very low colourfastness) t0 8 (very high colour fastness), source ofsupply see Appendix B. Usually only colour fastnessstandards 5 t0 8 are used.

3.7 Suitable stamping dies, sheares etc. for preparation of test pieces.

4 Test Material

4.1 From large components or material samples,strip type test pieces of at least (45 x 20) mm2 shallbe taken and the narrow sides mechanically attachedto a white cardboard. The test pieces shall be takensuch that all variations of colour and pattern are included. From small part surfaces as large as possibleshall be cut out and exposured. The test pieces shall be evaluated in comparision to a new part.

4.2 For multiple exposures test pieces of at least(45 x 45) mm2 are required.

4.3 Yarns and other linear textile materials shall betightly wound on cardboard, which has the same dimensions as the test piece holder.

4.4 The test pieces shall be tested underlaid with thesubstrate material to be used or with other materialsto be agreed upon, e.g.polyesterfleece. If not otherwise agreed, the thickness of such underlaid materialshall be at least 5 mm.This assembly shall be attached on the card board asdescribed in paragraph 4.1

4.5 For thick or underlaid test pieces the distancesfrom the light source to the surface of the test piece,the blue wool colour fastness standard and the black-standard thermometer shall not exceed 5 mm.

5 Test Method

5.1 Summary of Test Method. The test piece will beexposed to light and afterwards the changes of colourand other changes are rated.

This Test Method is preferably used to check conformity of test pieces wilh a specified minimum performance requirement. Monitoring of the exposure timeis dependent upon the changes of the colour fastnessstandard.

5.2Test Sample Preparation. Tests shall be performed in the as received condition without any special pre-conditioning.

5.3Test Procedure. The test piece covered by thesheet metal cover with the cutout of (26±1) mm shallbe exposed together with the blue wool references ofthe colour fastness standard under the condition of Table 2.

Note:The test room temperature shall be measuredand reported in the test report.

Note: The estimated test time is (80±16) h.

Table 2: Exposure Conditions





IR Portion




Black-standard Temperature



White-standard Temperature



Rel. Humidity in test Chamber



Radiation Force


70…90(Note 1)

44…62(Note 1)

W/m2 nm





13000…19000(Note 1)

11400…14100(Note 1)

KJ/m2 nm


260…320(Note 2)

Note 1: Wide band measurement (300_400) nm

Note 2: Narrow band measurement at 420 nm

While testing the test piece and colour fastness standards shall always facing the light source, i.e. rotationof the test piece within the frame holder of the test apparatus shall not be allowed. The number of inspections shall be as small as possible.

5.3.1 Single Exposure. The exposure is controlledby continuous in spection of the colour fastness standard. The exposure shall be continued until a contrast, checked visual, equal to grade 3 on the greyscale is detected on reference 6 of the colour fastness standard between the exposed and unexposedportion. This may be achieved within an estimatedtest time of (80±16) h.

With this specification a minimum colour fastness rating of 6 is established. Other minimum fastness ratings can also be checked, the test procedure beingadjusted to the particular requirement.

5.3.2 Multiple Exposure. For multiple exposuresmay The number of exposure cycles shall be determined in the Material Specification.The test pieces together with the blue wool referencesof the colour fastness standard shall be exposed under the conditions of Table 2. The end point of anexposure cycle shall be monitored by continuous control of the colour fastness standard. The end point isreached when reference 6 of the colour fastness standard shows a contrast, checked visual, according tograde 3 on the grey scale. This exposure cycle shallbe repeated corresponding to the specified number ofcycles. The same exposure apparatus shall be usedfor all cycles.

For each cycle a new colour fastness standard shallbe used. The period of an exposure cycle may be defined by measurement and determination of the strikingradiant energy. This procedure shall be agreed on.

Subsequently specified properties may be tested according to the respective test methods.

6 Evaluation and Rating

6.1 Colour Fastness. The colour fastness of a testpiece is the number of that reference of the colourfastness standard which shows similar changes incolour respectively the similar degree of contrastbetween exposed and unexposed surfaces corresponding to grade 4 and/or grade 3 on the grey scale.

The evaluation shall be made on that test piece zonewhich had been exposed until the change in colour,corresponding to grade 4 and/or grade 3 on the greyscale, of reference 7 of the colour fastness standard.

The contrasts between exposed and unexposedsurfaces of the test pieces shall be compared withthe contrasts on the references of the colour fastnessstandard.

If the unexposed surface of the test piece changed,the contrast on the test piece of the exposed surfaceshall be compared with test pieces as delivered.

Where the change in colour of the test piece or thecontrast lies approximately midway between any two consecutive references of the colour fastness standard, an intermediate rating shall be given, e.g. 6...7.

If the test pieces and/or the references of the colourfastness standard show contrasts exceeding grade 3on the grey scale, they must not be used for evaluation. In such cases the test shall be repeated.

At multiple exposures contrast changes shall only beevaluated on the grey scale.

6.2 Colour Change. In addition to the evaluation ofthe colour fastness rating to paragraph 6.1 the changein colour of the test pieces shall also be evaluated according to the following grading.

Materials evaluated with "beginning ..." can be indicated as "OK". All other gradings, paragraphs 6.2.2to 6.2.5, are not suitable for the provided applicationif they are not approved for particular cases.

6.2.1beginning ... stained, beginning reduction ...

6.2.2slight ... stained, slight reduction

6.2.3 ... stained. reduction ...

6.2.4colour change (to ...)

6.2.5 surface/exposed surface damaged, surface/exposed surface destroyed

6.3 Multiple Exposure. The evaluation of the testpieces shall be made after the specified number ofexposure cycles according to the properties indicatedin the respective material specifications, e.g.

6.3.1 Evaluation of the surface (e.g. degree of lustre,formation of cracks and blisters).

6.3.2 Evaluation of colour fastness as changes incontrast. Visual evaluation shall only be estimatedaccording to the grey scale.

6.3.3 Evaluation of mechanical and physical properties (e.g. tensile strength, abrasion and hardness) according to the respective Test Methods.

6.4 Use of Masks. For evaluation to paragraphs 6.1to 6.3.2 masks are used, since the surfaces of thetest pieces and the rating scale of the colour fastnessstandard to be compared shall have approximately thesame size and shape.

The masks shall be of neutral grey colour approximately midway between the lighter chips in grades 1and 2 on the grey scale (approximately Munsell N 5).

Preferably the aperture of the masks shall have thedimensions (28 x 39) mm2. When evaluating smallersurfaces masks with dimensions (14 x 39) mm2 shallbe used.

7 Report

7.1 Expression of Results. The colour fastness toartificial light as determined by this Test Method, shallbe indicated according to the rating of colour fastnessto artificial light and to the rating of multiple exposurerespectivly.

7.2 Deviations. Deviations from the requirements ofthis Test Method shall have been agreed upon. Suchdeviations shall be specified on drawings, materialspecifications etc. and indicated in test certificates,reports etc.

8 Safety

This method may involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment. This method does not proposeto address all the safety problems associated with itsuse. It is the responsibility of user of this method toestablish appropriate safety and health practices anddetermine the applicability of regulatory limitationsprior to use.

9 Coding System

This Test Method shall be called up in other documents, drawings, VTS, CTS etc. as follows:

9.1 Single Exposure.e.g.

Colour Fastness to Artificial Light to GME 60292- 1 Rating 6 min / no other changes


Colour Fastness to Artificial Light



Validation Area


Document Number


Exposure conditions to Table 2 (as


Rating 6 min / no other changes


9.2 Multiple Exposure.e.g.

Colour Fastness to Artificial Light, Change in Colour to GME 60292 - 2 -X - 2 Grade 3 min / no other changes


Colour Fastness to Artificial Light


Change in Colour


Validation Area


Document Number


Exposure conditions to Table 2 (asrecommendation)


Number of exposure cycles

Grade 3 min / no other changes


10 Release and Revisions

10.1 Release. This specification was first approvedand released in NOV 1977.

Remark: Method D of GME 60292, 2nd edition:03/92, was replaced by method 2 described inTable 2.

10.2 Revisions.



Description (Org.)


FEB 1992

was Issue 1. Date of Issue 11/77 Content completely revised in accordance to

DIN 75202; rewritten (TDC Central Lab Spec.-Center)


MAY 2000

was Issue 2, Date if Issue 03/99 Content completely revised; converted into new

GADM (ITDC Central Lab GME Spec.-Center)


(For information only)

Equipment and Filter Systems. The exposure conditions described in Table l and Table 2 are obtainedin exposure apparatus of different types as follows:

Exposure Conditions



Filter system




RFS 320


Description of equipment






IR Infrared filter glass

FG Window glass

BS Borosilicate filter glass

SL Sodalime filter glass

RFS 320 Reflector filter system with edge limit of320 nm

A Measuring equipment with air cooled xenon arc

BMeasuring equipment with water cooled xenon arc lamps

Appendix B

The measuring device used for measuring of irradiation itensity and black-standard temperature shall bechecked in regular time intervals (1500 h max.) by using a master sensor.

By exceeding the tolerances according to Table 2 itshall be calibrated.

Appendix C

Colour fastness standards and the grey scale areavailable

in Germany from: BeuthVerlag GmbH,

Burggrafenstr. 6, D-10772 Berlin

in Great Britain: B.S.I., 2 Park Street,

London WIA 2 BS

温馨提醒:本GME 60292_2000可能存在更新的版本,建议寻找GME 60292_2000的发行商确认。

符合 GME 60292_2000 标准的

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