Weathering Testing咨询热线
18566398802标准号:IEC 61215-2 ED. 2.0 B:2021
中文名:地面光伏 (PV) 模块 - 设计资格和型式批准 - 第 2 部分:测试程序
英文名称:Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design qualification and type approval - Part 2: Test procedures
发行日期:STANDARD by International Electrotechnical Commission, 02/24/2021
文件大小:1 个文件,5.8 MB
IEC 61215-2 :2021 旨在适用于所有地面平板??椴牧?,例如晶体硅??槔嘈鸵约氨∧つ?椤8貌馐孕蛄械哪康氖侨范?榈牡缙腿忍匦?,并在合理的成本和时间限制内尽可能证明该??槟芄怀惺茉谝话懵短炱蛳碌某な奔浔┞丁H绱撕细竦哪?榈氖导试て谑倜【鲇谄渖杓?、环境和运行条件。
4.10.3 Procedure
a) Measure the irradiance at the proposed module test plane and ensure that at wavelengths between 280 nm and 400 nm it does not exceed 250 W/m2 (i.e. about five times the natural sunlight level) and that it has a uniformity of ±15 % over the test plane.
b) According to the recommendations of 4.10.2e), short-circuit or open-circuit the module.Mount it in the test plane at the location selected in a), normal to the UV irradiance beam.Make sure that the module temperature sensors read (60 ± 5) °C. For flexible modules, the modules shall be mounted per the manufacturer’s documentation with prescribed substrate and adhesive or attachment/mounting means during the test.
c) Subject the module(s) front side to a total UV irradiation of at least 15 kWh/m2 in the wavelength range between 280 nm and 400 nm with at least 3 %, but not more than 10 % in the wavelength band between 280 nm and 320 nm, while maintaining the module temperature within the prescribed range.For bifacial modules repeat the procedure of UV irradiation on the rear-side of the modules.
a) 在拟定的模块测试平面上测量辐照度,并确保在波长介于280 nm和400 nm之间时,辐照度不超过250 W/m2(即约为自然阳光水平的五倍),且在测试平面上的均匀性为±15%。
b) 根据4.10.2e)中的建议,使??槎搪坊蚩?。将其安装在测试平面中a)中选择的位置,垂直于紫外线辐照度光束。确保??槲露却衅鞫潦?0±5)°C。对于柔性模块,应根据制造商文件,在试验期间使用规定的基材和粘合剂或附件/安装方式安装???。
c) 在280 nm至400 nm的波长范围内,使??檎媸艿街辽?5 kWh/m2的总紫外线照射,在280 nm至320 nm的波长范围内,总紫外线照射量至少为3%,但不超过10%,同时将??槲露缺3衷诠娑ǚ段?。对于双面模块,在模块背面重复紫外线照射程序。
温馨提醒:本IEC 61215-2 ED. 2.0 B:2021可能存在更新的版本,建议寻找IEC 61215-2 ED. 2.0 B:2021的发行商确认。